Thursday, March 3, 2011

Net Neutrality

The worst thing about censorship is blablabla.
             Vint Cerf, Google's head net-neutrality supporter says that we need an effective nationalization of the Internet, saying, "incentives could be provided that would render the Internet more like the public road system ... not owned by the private sector," so it becomes "essentially open to all."
           However, the internet right now, works much better, and it will improve much faster without government involvement.  With government involvement, all we would get is corruption and more government control over us. Not to mention that censorship will follow.
           Freedom of speech will give way to being politically correct. With government involvement, the internet will likely be subject to political manipulation and even if it was with good intentions, it may shut down our only real forum of free speech.
           Supporters of network neutrality won't admit to it. They will probably tell you that network neutrality will safeguard your freedoms. Funny enough, one of the ways they scare people is by using the idea that phone and cable companies may start blocking access to political Web sites. In reality though, in a world with a competitive market; where buyers can take their business elsewhere, this is very unlikely. However, in a goverment-run monoply, this is very possible.

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